Friendly Faces Senior Care is your go-to elder care service if you need senior care near me Houston, TX. Everyone grows old one day, and when we do, we’ll find that the tasks that we used to do regularly may be more strenuous than before. Although your family could help the senior members of your family, you may live too far out to help as often. That’s where a senior care service can make regular check-ins to ensure your senior family members can live independently in the comfort of their homes.

Senior Care Near Me Houston, TX

Senior care near me can visit your elderly family members when you can’t make the trip regularly due to time or distance.

What is senior care?
The broad field of senior care, which is also called elderly care or aged care, takes care of the needs of older people who need medical help and help with daily tasks. Because age-related problems get worse over time, senior care is very important for keeping seniors’ respect, improving their health, and making their quality of life better. That’s why Friendly Faces Senior Care offers our services to those who need more support for the seniors in their families.

These days, senior care near me is becoming more important. Modern medicine has made people live longer, so there are more and more older people all over the world. It gets harder for these people to meet their basic physical, mental, and social needs as they get older.

There is a greater need for proper senior care because of things like the rise in nuclear families and working, busy adults. This situation shows how important it is for families to find good senior care services so their loved ones can have a happy and comfortable old age even when they can’t attend to them. Get in touch with a senior care agency like Friendly Faces Senior Care to learn more about how senior care near me can help your family.

The Importance of Senior Care Near Me Houston, TX

Think about this: senior care isn’t just about giving them medical and physical help. In addition, it makes a big difference in your mental health. Older people who don’t connect with others very often often feel alone, which can cause emotional problems and mental health problems like depression and anxiety. Professional and compassionate caregivers keep them company and offer social support, which makes them feel better and improves their mental health.

Home senior care services also check on our client’s health and act quickly in cases of health emergencies. Caregivers are trained to spot early signs of health problems before they become serious. It goes without saying that early discovery and medical help can save lives right away. Not to mention, we work with other elder care professionals, such as doctors, nurses, physical therapists, etc., to ensure their daily living needs are met.

Senior Care Near Me Houston, TX

Learn more about how senior care near me Houston, TX can help your family live the way they want.

Services for Senior Care in Houston

Now, let’s look at what services usually include in senior care. It can be roughly split into two groups: home care services and residential care services. Each group offers a wide range of personalized services.

Home care services are a choice for seniors who want to stay in their own homes but need help with daily tasks. Personal care services and daily assistance, like helping with bathing, dressing, going to the bathroom, making meals, and managing medicines, are common types of services. We also have expert care providers who give specialized care to family members with Alzheimer’s, dementia, or Parkinson’s.

On the other hand, residential care services are for older people who have trouble living on their own. Seniors can live in this fully-equipped building that offers care around the clock. It includes places like retirement homes, nursing homes, and assisted living centers. These places offer all kinds of services, from simple housework and social activities to intense medical care supervised by trained medical staff.

Additionally, senior care companies offer respite care services that give family caregivers a break for a short time. Respite care is a great option for workers who need some time off to do personal things or just relax and recharge. Friendly Faces Senior Care provides respite care services and home care services for families who need extra help within our recommended service areas.

Prevent Accidents with the Fall Risk Reduction Program

Friendly Faces Senior Care has a program that helps seniors living independently feel safer. As we grow older, there’s a higher risk of injury when you fall. It’s especially true when you live alone with no one around to help you up when you do fall. That’s why our Fall Risk Reduction program is important: it allows us to identify risky factors within your home and deal with them before something happens.

What are the risks of seniors falling?
Falls are especially dangerous for elderly folk. In fact, the risk and severity of falls often rise with age because of health problems, chronic diseases, and issues with balance. The least of your problems could be physical injuries, ranging from bruises to bone fractures. Once they fall, there may be a slew of hospital visits, limiting their mobility, independence, etc.

Senior Care Near Me Houston, TX

Our senior care near me can help your family.

If you request our team to survey your home for risks, we’ll send our experts to pinpoint issues such as loose rugs, stairs without railings, and other tripping hazards. We’ll suggest solutions to those issues and tell you about any other hazards to look out for to prevent accidents. We’re here to help you ensure your family has the support they need to live independently and give you peace of mind.

The Assist Your Family Needs

Our senior care team shows a deep respect and sense of duty for the complicated needs of our aging community. As its name suggests, its main purpose is to give seniors a safe and welcoming place to live out their last years with honor and pleasure.

The wide range of services we offer only shows how important it is to modern society. Whether you are a family member or an older person looking at your choices, the first step to making an informed decision is to understand the many benefits and uses of senior care. Call us today to learn more. We proudly serve the Greater Houston area with our senior care near me.

Houston, Texas Fun Facts:

  • Houston has the largest medical district in the world.
  • It’s home to some of the nation’s best hospitals, including the best cancer treatment center.
  • St. Joseph Medical Center was opened in 1887 and is the oldest hospital in Houston.